Tours & Activities

Capture every moment.

Let’s make your day tour a 24-hour experience. Planning, booking and being inspired is something visitors expect, at any time. Whether you sell online or on the spot, connect to them all day, every day.

Let´s talk!

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A system that will scale with you.

When you're up and running, copying & pasting products for distribution on your website or external channels becomes a breeze. Plus, as your business scales, system administration remains consistent, whether you have 1 boat or 50. Enhance your offerings by bundling with your partner's products to boost sales and delight your customers

Multi channel distribution

Partner packaging

Campaign module

Agent network

Smooth sailing with must-have features.

Distribution partners

Reach up to 15,000 registered distribution partners with 100,000 users every day such as Expedia, Get Your Guide, Tripadvisor, Tour operators and many more. Add Google Premium Partner and Google Things To Do for unlimited sales possibilities.


Sell all your products through one fully customisable checkout. Choose among our flexible payment suppliers such as Nets, Adyen, Klarna and Swedbank Pay.

Websites made for you

We love optimising the digital visitor journey – everything from workshops and design to SEO and web development. Let our dedicated team show you how to deliver the best experience possible.

Packaging and Bundles

Offer your own packages or in combination with your partner's products – iTicket can do both, in endless combinations.


Make it easy for your visitors to book more than one experience. Increase revenue with fantastic add-on products, ensuring your attraction stands out.

Dynamic pricing

Use dynamic pricing to maximise revenue during increased demand and promote sales during slower periods. Boost daily sales of each product by optimising pricing based on real-time results.

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A Point-Of-Sale with all the benefits from the cloud

Manage your sales both online and onsite with our cloud-based Point-of-Sale system. Whether using a fixed, mobile, or self-service device, the reliable application lets you stay in control, no matter where you are.

Developing digital sales

Strömma is Scandinavia's largest experience company. Read the story about how they developed their digital sales together with iticket.

Learn more

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We develop each other's ideas and activities, we like to say that Visit Group has almost become a part of Stromma #dd042b Christine Vesterholm
Head of Business Support #ffffff